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$just ask!

DYU WANT MY RIPE LOADED BRIEFS? ill do ANYTHING you want for you!!

  • Underwear Condition: Used
  • Country: United States
  • State/Province: Delaware
  • Contact Method: Email
  • Payment Method: Paypal
  • Listed: October 8, 2024 10:58 am
  • Expires: 26 days, 21 hours
boxerbriefs flat and centered dark bluetrace4trace2redneck2redneck6shirtpitpictrace13


email: sweatybriefsboy2@yahoo.com  Hey guys, I’m really hot and I know it! Redneck here, I got an amazing cock balls and ass and I know that’s what you think about. I smell DAMN good and taste better. You can get ANY UNDERWEAR I wear any way you want it, and you can suck my thick sweet cums outa my undergear, GET LOADED CONDOMS TUCKED INTO EM TOO. If you want something extra, ask me for it-I will do it.

also list on here my undershirts, sportsgear, sneaks, socks, jocks, & loaded condoms, look for em & ask me! SHIP ANYWHERE FOR YOU!
very hott vids of me and some good pics come with your order!

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Listing ID: 57958f91e19c90b0


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