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Ad Images

All ads submitted to the site are currently moderated. When we review ads, we look to make sure that ads adhere to the Ad Rules. For the most part, any product images are ok. But at least one must be a clear image of the product for sale.

Acceptable Product Shot Image

You can add up to eight(8) pictures per ad. We recommend at least three(3) pictures per ad. At least one of those pictures must be a product shot that is:

*An Unfolded Picture Of The Product On A Flat Surface, OR Being Worn, As Shown Below

*Captured From Directly In Front Of The Product



*Well Lit

*In Color

*An Image Of the Actual Product You Are Selling

Additional Info

Keep in mind, not all ad pictures must adhere to this criteria – but at least one on each ad must.

If this is not the case, we will send you a private message and make a note on the ad letting you know how to fix it.

If there are any questions, you can contact us at any time!

Acceptable Ad Image Examples

These are samples of ad images that would be fine to include in an ad, as long as you have taken (or authorized someone to take) the picture and you own the image copyright:

shirt_front   underwear_front

1976958_1032435616794536_430453574162228078_n 10569042_1031177256920372_8479719769275415173_n


New ads and membership may be moderated; it can take up to 24 hours for the ad to go live.