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Membership length and number of active ads vary by membership plan. Each ad you post is listed for 30 days, regardless of membership.

5 Ad Max – Maximum of 5 Ads Active. Membership lasts for 30 days. $4.99.
10 Ad Max – Maximum of 10 Ads Active. Membership lasts for 60 days. $8.99.
15 Ad Max – Maximum of 15 Ads Active. Membership lasts for 90 days. $12.99.
30 Ad Max – Maximum of 30 Ads Active. Membership lasts for 180 days. $24.99.
60 Ad Max – Maximum of 60 Ads Active. Membership lasts for 365 days. $44.99.

Each Ad remains Active for a period of 30 days. Your membership and ad posting limits remain in effect until the final day of your membership. After that date, any ads you post remain active for the full 30 days, regardless of membership status.

An Active Ad means that it is an Ad that is published and visible on the site or pending approval. So Expired Ads and Ads in your Drafts are not Active and won’t affect your Max Ad Count.

So start posting now and be sure to read the POSTING RULES at Rules Forum.

For updated info, help and support regarding memberships, visit our Membership Packs Forum


New ads and membership may be moderated; it can take up to 24 hours for the ad to go live.